Brainstorming (A5) | Q 2.3 | Page 12
Speech is silver and silence is golden.
Speech is silver and silence is golden:
‘Speech is silver and silence is golden’ is a Latin proverb which highlights the importance of silence over speaking. In olden days, a sacred practice called ‘Vow of Silence’ was followed in India. As a part of this, every month, people were required to maintain total silence for a day or two. This practice was followed to develop analytical skills, sharpen objectivity and inculcate the virtue of patience. Many learned men and sages were known to follow it religiously and thereby add to their treasure of knowledge. We often see people who try to impress everyone around them with their oratory skills. Many orators are able to use the power of words in every situation. However, as the proverb advises, it is equally important to practise silence as it enables one to see the big picture, notice finer details, develop a sound mind and be able to correctly judge every situation. Hence, silence is truly golden as it assists one to become the wisest in a room full of wise men!
English Yuvakbharati Latest Syllabus Solution.
Chapter 1.1: An Astrologer’s Day
Chapter 1.2: On Saying “Please”
Chapter 1.3: The Cop and the Anthem
Chapter 1.4: Big Data-Big Insights
Chapter 1.5: The New Dress
Chapter 1.6: Into the Wild
Chapter 1.7: Why we Travel
Chapter 1.8: Voyaging Towards Excellence
Chapter 2.1: Song of the Open Road
Chapter 2.2: Indian Weavers
Chapter 2.3: The Inchcape Rock
Chapter 2.4: Have you Earned your Tomorrow
Chapter 2.5: Father Returning Home
Chapter 2.6: Money
Chapter 2.7: She Walks in Beauty
Chapter 2.8: Small Towns and Rivers
SECTION THREE (Writing Skills)
Chapter 3.1: Summary Writing
Chapter 3.2: Do Schools Really Kill Creativity? (Mind-Mapping)
Chapter 3.3: Note–Making
Chapter 3.4: Statement of Purpose
Chapter 3.5: Drafting a Virtual Message
Chapter 3.6: Group Discussion
SECTION FOUR (Genre-Drama)
Chapter 4: History of Novel
Chapter 4: To Sir, with Love
Chapter 4: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 4: The Sign of Four
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