
Poetry - 6. Aunt Jennifer's Tigers Class 12th Flamingo CBSE Solution

Class 12th Flamingo CBSE Solution

Before You Read
Question 1.

What does the title of the poem suggest to you? Are you reminded of other poems on tigers?


The title of the poem suggests that the brave tigers are something that is being imagined by her. The Tigers are free and untamed. The attitude and freedom of those tigers are what Aunt Jennifer has been dreaming of. There are other poems on tigers but the depiction of tigers as in this poem is entirely different.

Think It Out
Question 1.

How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes?


‘Denizens’ refer to a person, animal or plant that lives in a particular place. Forests are the natural habitat of the tigers. The term ‘chivalric’ refers to the bold qualities of bravery, courtesy, and generosity. The Tigers are brave and free in their natural habitat where they are not tamed and controlled by anyone. They are not afraid of the men. Our understanding of tiger’s attitudes contrasts with the life of Aunt- Jennifer where She is dominated and controlled by her married life.

Question 2.

Why do you think Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through her wool’ in the second stanza? Why is she finding the needle so hard to pull?


Aunt Jennifer’s hands are ‘fluttering through her wool’ because She is fearful of her husband. She has so been burdened by her marriage that She can’t move her hands for the skills she has. She is dominated by her husband.

Question 3.

What is suggested by the image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’?


The term ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ clearly suggests that Aunt Jennifer is burdened by her marriage. She is so been imprisoned in her marriage vows and duties that She fears being free.

Question 4.

Of what or of whom is Aunt Jennifer terrified with in the third stanza?


Aunt Jennifer is terrified of her husband. She has suffered domination from her husband. She has suffered misery and difficulties. She is dominated to fulfill vows and responsibilities of married life.

Question 5.

What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by, why is it significant that the poet uses the word ‘ringed’? What are the meanings of the word ‘ringed’ in the poem?


Just like a trained for a circus, Aunt Jennifer’s life has been tied up to a man, her husband. She has been tamed to stay at home.

The term ‘ringed’ means controlled and by an authority. Likewise, she has been controlled and dominated by her husband. She is not free like the tigers She has created.

Question 6.

Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character? What might the poet be suggesting, through this difference?


Aunt Jennifer has created tigers of the forests who are brave and free. She has been tamed to stay at home and fulfill her marriage vows and duties, unlike the tigers who go on prancing with certainty without fearing men. She fears her husband. She wishes for freedom, but She has lost all courage and certainty. The poet is setting up a contrast to a life of freedom and life of being dominated.

Question 7.

Interpret the symbols found in this poem.


Symbols are something that represents something else. Symbols are often used in poetry. In the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers,’ a number of symbols have been used.

Denizens of the world of green mean the residents or inhabitants of forests as the world of green is a forest. ’Ringed with ordeals’ means to be caught up in a misery and difficulties, the perfect use of hyperbole has made the word trapped much of a materialized object through the word ‘ringed’. ’Massive weight of uncle’s wedding band’ metaphorically refers to the burden of marital vows and responsibilities imposed on Aunt Jennifer by her husband.

‘Sits heavily upon aunt’ means has put a lot of pressure on aunt. Metaphor has been used here.

Question 8.

Do you sympathise with Aunt Jennifer? What is the attitude of the speaker towards Aunt Jennifer?


The author has a sympathetic attitude towards Aunt Jennifer. I do not sympathize with her. I feel She should have spoken against the injustices that She was put through by her husband.

Notice the colours suggested in the poem.

‘Bright topaz denizens of the world of green’

It means residents or the inhabitants of forests as the world of green is a forest.

Question 9.

Notice the repetitive use of certain sounds in the poem.


The repetitive use of certain sounds in the poem refers to alliteration. For example fingers fluttering through her wool, prancing, prance, and topaz. These words also form an exquisitely accurate pace and smoothness in the sentence.