Question 1.B:
Match the correct pairs :
a. Planning is thinking and deciding in advance what is to be done and how it is to be done. Under this function, the manager decides the goals that are to be achieved and the actions through which those goals are to be achieved. Hence, in this way, planning bridges the gap between where we are now and where we want to go.
b. The organising function focuses on identifying activities and dividing them according to the defined plans. The actions are divided as per the objectives so as to avoid any duplicity.
c. Staffing aims at finding the right people for the right jobs. It is an important aspect of management, as it ensures that right people with the required qualification are chosen for the work.
d. The directing function is related to human beings. Under the directing function, instructions, guidance, orders, etc., are given to the employees. In this way, it deals with the people working in an organisation.
e. Controlling is evaluating and assessing the progress of the work done. It involves setting of specific criteria or standards for work and comparing the actual work with the set standards. It helps in finding deviations from the set targets and thus, helps in taking the required corrective measures.