

Q. 4. B. What revealed the age of the banyan tree?

1. What makes a nation strong?

Ans. Brave men who stand firm for the sake of truth and honor during periods of hardship are what makes a nation strong.

2. According to you, what makes India a strong and powerful nation?

Ans. Any country must overcome many of the economic, social, and political problems before it can be considered a superpower. India is also not yet influential on the international stage as compared to the USA or the former Soviet Union.

3. Write down the rhyme scheme used in the extract.

Ans. Rhyme scheme: abab

4. What does the phrase ‘others fly .....’ mean?

Ans. ‘Others fly ...’ refers to the people who don’t have the courage to face difficult situation and run away from them.


Q. 5. A. Read the following extract and rewrite it from the point of view of Daisy, the flower :

[You may begin with: I was very happy ..............]

How happy the daisy was! No one has the least idea. The bird kissed it with its beak, sang to it, and then rose again up to the blue sky. It was certainly more than a quarter of an hour before the daisy recovered its senses. Half ashamed, yet glad at heart, it looked over to the other flowers in the garden; surely they had witnessed its pleasure and the honor that had been done to it; they understood its joy. But the tulips stood more stiffly than ever, their faces were pointed and red, because they were vexed. The peonies were sulky; it was well that they could not speak, otherwise they would have given the daisy a good lecture. The little flower could very well see that they were ill at ease, and pitied them sincerely.

Shortly after this a girl came into the garden, with a large sharp knife. She went to the tulips and began cutting them off, one after another. “Ugh! Sighed the daisy, “that is terrible; now they they are done for.”

The girl carried the tulips away. The daisy was glad that it was outside, and only a small flower - it felt very grateful. At sunset it folded its petals and fell asleep, and dreamt all night of the sun and the little bird.

Ans. I was very happy and nobody has the idea of my happiness. The bird kissed me with its beak, sang to me, then it was rose again up to the blue sky. It was certainly more than a quarter of an hour before I recovered my senses from the kiss of of the bird. I felt ashamed of my feeling while I felt proud to see my other friends in the garden. I am sure that they had witnessed my pleasure and the honour that had been done by the bird to me. They understood my joy. But the tulips stood more stiffly than ever, their faces were pointed and red, because they were vexed. The peonies were sulky; it was well that they could not speak, otherwise they would have given me a good lecture. Me the little flower could very well see that they were ill at ease, and pitted them sincerely.

Shortly after this a girl came into the garden, with a large sharp knife. She went to tulips and began cutting the off, one after another. Oh! What a pity, I was sure that, that was the end of them.

The girl carried the tulips away. I was glad that I was outside, and being a small flower - I felt very grateful. At sunset I folded my petals and fell asleep, and dreamt all night of the sun and the little bird.