


Fact 1: There are no one and two cent coins in Finland. Prices must always be rounded up or down to the nearest five cents by law.

Fact 2: Netflix has over 20 million subscribers in China even though Netflix is not available in China.

Fact 3: On June 30th, 2015, there was a leap second. One second was added to the last minute of this day.

Fact 4: Helium is the only element that was not first discovered on Earth. Instead, it was discovered in 1868 in the form of previously unknown spectral lines in the light of the sun.

Fact 5: On the basis of the number of viewers, Disney's Jungle Book was the most successful movie in Germany.

Fact 6: A study proved that 70 percent of women prefer to eat chocolate rather than have sex.

Fact 7: At the Marine Mammal Studies Institute, dolphins have been trained to get the audience's waste out of the basin. Each time they hand out trash to the animal attendants, they get food for it.

Fact 8: In 2012, the author of the book series "Fifty Shades of Grey" E. L. James was the most successful author of the year.

Fact 9: Before there were trees on the earth, our planet was covered by giant mushrooms.

Fact 10: Nearly 65 percent of all autistic people are left-handed.

Fact 11: Tsutomu Yamaguchi was working in Hiroshima when the first atomic bomb hit the city. As he was driving home to Nagasaki the second bomb hit. He is currently 90 years old and still alive.

Fact 12: Since the end of the Second World War, Japan has apologized in official statements more than 50 times for its acts during the war.

Fact 13: Regions of the earth where the inhabitants clearly exceed the average life expectancy of the world population are called "Blue Zones". Currently, only five Blue Zones are known worldwide. These are Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicola (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece) and Loma Linda (California). The reason why people there live so long is not clear.

Fact 14: Over an investigation period from 1985 to 2012, scientists were able to show that Greenland is the country with the highest suicide rate. During this period, 83 out of 100,000 people committed suicide, while 20 percent of the population reported to have attempted suicide at least once before.

Fact 15: Due to their fine and extensive root network, forest mushrooms absorb heavy metals in large quantities. That is why you should not eat more than 250 grams of forest mushrooms per week.

Fact 16: In 2014, Englishman Rory Curtis woke from a coma and thought he was the actor Matthew McConaughey.

Fact 17: The song "Hey ya" by Outkast says "Shake it like a Polaroid picture", forcing Polaroid to release a press release that shaking a Polaroid too much can damage the picture.

Fact 18: As traffic in Bangkok has become so bad, the city has started to train special mobile obstetricians to help women give birth when they cannot make it to hospital on time.

Fact 19: Microsoft sued the student Mike Rowe after he launched the site

Fact 20: The word Jedi from Star Wars comes from the Japanese word "Jidai-geki", which is a Japanese term for samurai movies.

Fact 21: If Coca Cola was served without colorants, it would be green and not black.

Fact 22: Strawberries are not berries, but in fact nuts.

Fact 23: The medical term for headaches due to eating too much ice-cream is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.

Fact 24: Hans Zimmer has composed the soundtracks for "Lion King", "Gladiator", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Inception" and for the "Dark Night" trilogy. According to him he had spent two weeks in a music class during his childhood and learned the rest by himself.

Fact 25: For safety reasons, the Guinness Book of World Records does not accept record attempts on how long a person can stay awake. The last registered record dates back to 1964 and is eleven days and 25 minutes.

Fact 26: When physicist Niels Bohr won the Nobel Prize, the Carlsberg Brewery gave him a house right next to the brewery with a beer pipe leading directly from the brewery into the house. Until the end of his life, Niels Bohr could drink as much beer as he wanted free of charge.

Fact 27: Jeanne Calment holds the world record as the longest living human being. She was the first person to verifiably live to celebrate her 116th to 122nd birthday. She was born in 1875, saw the Eiffel Tower being built, sold paint brushes to Vincent van Gogh and died in 1997 at the age of 122.

Fact 28: With an estimated fortune of around 23 billion dollars, Invar Kamprad, the founder of Ikea, was one of the richest people in the world. However, people close to him say that he still took the bus, lived in a small house and only ever booked economy flights.

Fact 29: In chess, there is a way to checkmate your opponent in two moves. If a player wins with this strategy, it is called a "Fool's Mate".

Fact 30: If you keep on walking north long enough, you will eventually be walking south. If, however, you keep on walking east, you will never be moving west.

Fact 31: In order to make wolf puppies urinate, their mother has to lick their bellies with her warm tongue.

Fact 32: The guide dog Kirsch has an honorary master's degree because he attended all lectures together with his owner.

Fact 33: The PlayStation 1 controller sold in North America was about ten percent larger than the controller sold in Japan, as Japanese people on average have smaller hands than North Americans.

Fact 34: Donald Duck's second name is "Fauntleroy".

Fact 35: At birth, a blue whale is already 26 feet long and weighs more than eight tons. In its first year, the newborn gains approximately 176 pounds of weight per day 7.3 pounds per hour.

Fact 36: For a long time, it was tradition in Ireland that one liter of Guinness beer was given for each liter of donated blood.

Fact 37: In the last 150 years, the average body size of a human has increased by four inches.

Fact 38: The largest crossroads in the world is in China. It runs over five levels, has 20 exits and covers 99 acres.

Fact 39: Irv Gordon holds the record for the longest distance a person has ever driven in the same car. He bought : Volvo P1800 in 1966 and has driven more than 3,2 million miles since then.

Fact 40: In the Trevi Fountain in Rome 3,000 Euros is thrown in by tourists every day.

Fact 41: In Singapore, it is forbidden to chew gum. Only a few people are allowed to do so for medical reasons.

Fact 42: It is now assumed that the United States carried out a total of 638 assassination attempts on Fidel Castro. Among other things, these included poisoned cigars, contaminated diving equipment, an exploding cigar and a poisoned ballpoint pen.

Fact 43: Muhammad Ali is the only famous person whose star on the "Walk of Fame" is not on the sidewalk itself but on the wall of a building. He did not want people trampling on his name.

Fact 44: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has a cousin Tanoai Reed who has a similar physique as the actor and also resembles him fairly closely in the face. Because of this, he has been his stunt double in all his movies for over 13 years.

Fact 45: The term "money laundering" can be traced back to Al Capone, as he used Laundromats for this purpose.

Fact 46: Before English became the dominant language in the U.S., German was the second most common language.

Fact 47: The bone density of people with a mutated LRP5 gene is eight times higher than in normal people. For these people, it is virtually impossible to suffer a fracture in a normal way.

Fact 48: The deepest gold mine in the world is located in South Africa, and is situated 2.5 miles below the surface.

Fact 49: The first graphics-enabled web browser was developed in 1993.

Fact 50: In the 90s, 50 percent of all CDs produced were the free AOL Internet CD. 

Fact 51: More than 50% of the world's French speaking population lives in Africa.

Fact 52: The largest Bolivian prison, San Pedro in La Paz, has developed its own society. There are no guards in the prison, and the prisoners organize all aspects of their lives themselves. There are shops and restaurants run by the prisoners, and at regular intervals the inmates even elect a new leader.

Fact 53: The Wall of China cannot be seen from pace however, China's smog can.

Fact 54: If you twist both index fingers very slowly in a clockwise motion and then move them faster, the circles suddenly move in the opposite direction.

Fact 55: The clitoris has more than 8,000 nerve endings, while the penis just has


Fact 56: Finland has hosted the official "Wife Carrying World Championship" since 1992. In this competition, men carry their wives as fast as possible over a long obstacle course. In the end, the winner receives his wife's weight in beer.

Fact 57: Ransom payments to abductors can be written off as taxes in Germany.

Fact 58: Sound spreads through steel about 15 times faster than through air.

Fact 59: Oxford University is older than the civilization of the Aztecs.

Fact 60: Carrots were purple until the 17th century. The orange color is only a specially cultivated form that has prevailed over the past few centuries.

Fact 61: All scenes of the children of Ted Mosby in "How I Met Your Mother" were shot during the first season.

Fact 62: Before she became famous, the singer "Pink" worked for McDonald's.

Fact 63: To date, it is not clear why people and other animals need sleep. There are many theories, but even experts are uncertain about their accuracy.

Fact 64: There are more people in New York City with access to internet than people in Africa with internet connections.

Fact 65: When the game "Twister" was released in 1966, it was described as "sex in a box".

Fact 66: The original name of "Bank of America" was "Bank of Italy".

Fact 67: There's only one country between Finland and North Korea: Russia.

Fact 68: Valentina Tereshkova, sent into space in 1963, was the first woman in space. To this day, she remains the only woman to have been on a space mission alone. She was alone in space for a total of three days and orbited the Earth a total of 48 times.

Fact 69: The chimpanzee "Congo" was able to draw abstract works of art. Even Pablo Picasso was a fan of his pictures.

Fact 70: In Lapland, the horns of reindeers are sprayed with reflective color so that they can be seen better in the dark and car accidents can be prevented.

Fact 71: Your hearing is worse when you are well fed.

Fact 72: In New York City, 6,000 people die every year as a result of obesity.

Fact 73: In Denmark, there is a tradition that if you are not married by your 25th birthday, your friends and family will shower you with cinnamon.

Fact 74: "Banzai Skydiving" is an extreme sport where a parachutist first throws his parachute out of the plane and then jumps after it.

Fact 75: The Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dali.

Fact 76: It has been established that whenever actress Anne Hathaway is trending in social media, automated investment bank trading algorithms automatically buy more shares in Berkshire Hathaway.

Fact 77: In 1889, the pharmaceutical company Bayer sold the drug diacetylmorphine, which was marketed as a remedy for morphine addicts. Nowadays, the drug is better known as "heroin".

Fact 78: George Washington was known to convince voters with the help of alcohol. At an election campaign with over 400 people, he brought over 500 liters of alcohol to secure their votes.

Fact 79: Nintendo originally did not develop consoles and video games, but rather started off producing playing cards.

Fact 80: During the so called "scramble for Africa" all of Africa was colonized by foreign powers, except for Liberia and Ethiopia.

Fact 81: Porn actress Lisa Sparxxx holds the world record for the highest number of sex partners within 24 hours. In 2004, during her attempt to set a new record, she had sex with 919 different men in one day.

Fact 82: Pornhub once started a campaign called "Save the Boobs". For every 30th view in the category "small tit" or "big tit", the company donated one penny to the

"Susan G Komen Foundation" a foundation whose aim it is to cure breast cancer. However, the foundation refused the donation. Therefore, Pornhub tripled the amount of money and donated it to a foundation with a similar purpose.

Fact 83: In 2000, Michael Jackson was included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most philanthropic musician of all time. During his career he donated more than 300 million dollars, and during his tours he visited hospitals and orphanages to give presents to the children.

Fact 84: For his role as Harry Potter, actor Daniel Radcliffe received a total pay of 74 million pounds. According to his own account, the actor has spent almost none of the money so far.

Fact 85: The Hard Rock Cafe T-shirts are the world's best-selling T-shirts.

Fact 86: The copyright to the song "Happy birthday to you" expired in 2016 in the USA and in 2017 in the European Union. Until then, royalties had to be paid to Warner Music whenever the song was played on radio or television or in a cinema.

Fact 87: Zebras and ostriches often stay together in the wilderness. Ostriches can see enemies at long distances, while zebras are able to hear enemies from far away.

Fact 88: It has been scientifically proven that your nose actually grows when you lie. Scientists refer to this as the "Pinocchio effect".

Fact 89: When in 1940 Adolf Hitler banned the public display of colored people in Germany, he was the first state leader to take action against the so-called "human zoos".

Fact 90: About 90 percent of all lung cancer cases are caused by smoking.

Fact 91: One study has shown that black humor can indicate a particularly high IQ.

Fact 92: As a student at Columbia University, Ken Hechtman stole uranium-238. He later broke into Area 51, became a reporter and after the events of 9/11 illegally entered Afghanistan, where he was ultimately taken hostage by the Taliban.

Fact 93: Shakuntala Devi holds the world record in mental arithmetic. In 1980 a computer randomly chose the two 13-digit numbers 7,686,369,774,870 and 2,465,099,745,779, which Devi had to multiply. It took her only 28 seconds for the correct answer: 18,947,668,117,995,426,462,773,730!

Fact 94: "Snakes Venom" is the strongest beer in the world with an alcohol content of 67.5 percent. It contains more alcohol than whiskey.

Fact 95: In Japan, it is socially acceptable to sleep while working. It is perceived as a sign of hard work.

Fact 96: The largest cinema in the world is the Kinépolis in Madrid, with a total of a 25 different screening rooms and 9,200 seats.

Fact 97: "Steve Jobs" is the name of an Italian fashion label. The company behind the brand was founded in 2012 by two brothers after they had realized that Apple had never secured the rights to the name "Steve Jobs".

Fact 98: Researchers found that the price paid for something impacts the way we taste and enjoy it. For example, paying a lot more money for the same bottle of wine gives the drinker more pleasure because the higher price causes more blood and oxygen to be sent to the part of the brain responsible for feeling pleasure.

Fact 99: Clinique and Crayola have teamed up to create a box of lipstick crayons that are color-matched to actual Crayola shades.

Fact 100: A 102-year-old German woman is the oldest to receive a PhD. She was banned from attending her final oral exam in 1938 by the Nazi influenced university because she was Jewish.
