
Question 6: PRACTICAL PROBLEMS Pannalal, Babulal and Hiralal were partners sharing profits and losses in the proportion of 2:2:1,

Question 6:

 Pannalal, Babulal and Hiralal were partners sharing profits and losses in the proportion of 2:2:1, following is their Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2008.
Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2008
On the above date the partners decided to dissolve the firm:
1) Assets were realised: Machinery Rs 22,500, Stock Rs 9,000, Investment Rs 10,500, Debtors Rs 22,500.
2) Dissolution expenses were Rs 1,500.
3) Goodwill of the firm realised Rs 12,000
Pass the necessary Journal entries in the books of the firm.